Sunday, February 28, 2010

Super Mario Galaxy.........................2!!

Hey, this is Bobby. I was going to post a trailer for...well the title says it all. Any way Nintendo said the SMG2 (Super Mario Galaxy 2) is coming out in May! I can't wait! I just recently finished Mario's final fight with Bowser, the evil villain. Now I'm continuing to get the remaining 60 power stars. Hope you enjoy this trailer!!! Go to this link online and click Super Mario Galaxy 2010 trailer.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Sonic the Hedgehog

My brother wants me to put this on here, so I guess I will...
We have some videos made from this that I guess we could put on here, but it's up to Bobby. And he says, "Sure, we can put some on here. Hope you enjoy them."

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Check out this video that I just made about everything...and using the new song from Switchfoot, "Oh! Gravity".

Make sure to embed it and use it in your profiles on!

And if you don't have an account on Tools and Jewels, then just go to the site and create an account. It's easy...and you know I'm not talking about my blog,, right?

Anywho, do it!!!


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

It's Been a While

Hey, so I know it's been a while, but things have been more...hectic I guess I could say.
But, I have a video for you that I made for YouTube. It was originally meant for Tools and Jewels but the space is too small, and besides, The Macaroni Noodle needs some love!


Tuesday, July 29, 2008


E-mail The Macaroni Noodle. Click here to E-mail us!



Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Okay, so I know how I said that I would be making another "remix" collaboration soon, but I changed it up a bit. I had a vision, and it took me places! Just joking, well kind of. But, I tried really hard on this slideshow thing. The videos are of poorer quality than those you might see on TV, but it's only because I took the videos on a camera. Hope you enjoy! Here it is:

P.S. It takes a couple seconds to load, so don't get frustrated when it doesn't appear the second you click PLAY. Okay, that's settled. Also, if you want to write a fully worded letter to us, and how you love our blog (haha, yeah), then don't forget that you can E-MAIL! Hello! It is I feel like I'll have to program that into anybody's brain!


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Hey, Hey Everyone, Gather Around!

I have just finished creating a masterpiece, haha, no, it is just a slideshow, but it is pretty cool! Here is the slideshow:

